4/10/2018 April 10th, 2018Character: The Roots of a DiscipleHave you ever seen one of those trees along the river bank where the earth has been eroded away? Somehow, almost miraculously, such a tree continues to reach up to the heavens even with its great weight hanging out over the rushing waters. Have you ever seen one those people who stand firm in the face of the challenges and struggles of life? Somehow, almost miraculously, such a person continues to praise God, to hold onto joy, and to dedicate their lives to others even with so much standing in their way. What makes these trees and people different is their roots. Like the tree with roots extending deep into the ground, people who are able to face the storms of life with grace are rooted deeply in something beyond themselves. They are rooted as disciples of Jesus Christ in a way that defines their character - that is, who they are - more strongly than any circumstance in life could. So what then is the character of a Christian? What are the roots of a disciple? How can we grow our roots a little deeper so that we too can stand taller in the face of adversity? Join us in worship over the coming weeks as we delve into "Character: The Roots of a Disciple"! Blessings on the journey, Jim Register for Camp OverlookSummer is not far away, and that means summer camp opportunities for our kids! Camp Overlook offers everything from day camp for young elementary-age kids to adventure camps for youth. Our church will pay the deposit for any of our kids registering for camp by May 1st. If you are interested in camp this summer, check out Overlook's website or pick up a brochure in the church office. Please talk with Pastor Jim for more details or any questions. Living in CommunityThank you to the youth for leading us in a great worship service on Sunday! Change for Life bottles are due this Sunday - don't forget to bring yours! This Week at Port ChurchWednesday, April 11 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours Thursday, April 12 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours 7:00 pm - Trustees Meeting Saturday, April 14 8:00 am - Church-wide Clean-up Day Donuts and Coffee provided! Sunday, April 15 9:30 am - Worship: "Character: The Roots of a Disciple" 11:00 am - Sunday School 12:00 noon - Wednesday at the Port Planning Meeting Monday, April 16 7:00 pm - Discipleship Team Meeting Looking AheadPaint Night - April 27, 6-9 pm
VBS Training - May 20, 12 noon VBS tentatively scheduled for June 25-29 Comments are closed.
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Port Republic, VA 24471