5/15/2017 0 Comments May 15th, 2017Happy Mother's Day!Happy Mother's Day to all of our mothers, aunts, sisters, teachers, and other mothers! I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day full of celebration of the women in your life and of good memories of the women now gone who have made you who you are today. May we be thankful for them all each and every day, and give thanks to God for the gifts they are to us! Pastor Jim Sunday's Sermon: Family HeirloomsProverbs 1:8-9, 3:1-4: We all have those precious family treasures that have been passed down to us and mean so much to us. Whether it's a pocket watch or locket, a tool or a bonnet, a picture or a dish, they are special things to have and to pass on to another generation. The Book of Proverbs tells us about the most precious of family treasures that we have - the teachings and wisdom of our parents. In the opening chapter of the book, Solomon, encourages his son to listen to his instruction and not forget the teaching of his mother. He compares them to a wreath for the head or beads for the neck - in other words, to jewelry. While some may wear jewelry to flaunt their wealth, most of us wear jewelry for other reasons - to express a part of our personality (fun earrings or a pin), to reveal and reflect our inherent beauty, and to act as a token of belonging (a wedding ring or locket). Proverbs tells us that the teachings we cling to from our families act in a similar way - they say who we are and to whom we belong and reveals our inner nature. In chapter 3, Solomon returns to this image of jewelry and goes a step further saying it is not enough to wear our teachings on the outside but we must also write them on the tablet of our heart. In other words, it is not enough just to go around quoting and speaking the teachings handed down to us merely flaunting them as wealth. We need to make them a part of who we are at our core, and then they truly become a part of the beauty of who we are. If we do this, Solomon tell us, we will find favor with both God and other people. What is the greatest treasure of wisdom that your family has passed on to you? Coming Up This Sunday: One simple question: How are your flocks doing? Join us this Sunday, and find out why this is an important question we should ask every day! Port Church ProverbsThese are a few of the treasured words of wisdom that you shared on Sunday: Treat everyone else as they want to be treated. - My Grandmother (Chris) No matter how poor you are or how little you think you have, you can always find something to share with those in need. - My mother Edith Hooke (Jean) Always tell the truth. It is easy to remember. (Rita) Don't be afraid to be who you are, because the people who love your true self will always be there. (Isaac) Be humble. - Grandaddy John (Ashlyn) Always think before you do. (Dylan) If you missed sharing some of the words of wisdom that were passed down to you or if you have another that you have thought of since our worship service, please give them to Pastor Jim by email or on Sunday. Living in CommunityThanks to Hunter for helping to set up our sanctuary for worship on Sunday! Thanks to the Burns and Williams families for preparing and serving lunch for our VBS training! Please keep the Dean, Kyger, and Chandler families in your prayers as Jared heads out for boot camp this week. If you know of a church member or family member serving away from home, please let the church office know their names and addresses. Congratulations to Becca on her graduation from EMU! This Week at Port ChurchTuesday, May 16 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours Thursday, May 18 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours Sunday, May 21 9:30 am - Worship - "Words of Wisdom: How Are Your Flocks?" 11:00 am - Sunday School Looking AheadJune 4 - Graduation Sunday
June 24 - Maker Fun Fest VBS Kickoff Party June 26-30 - Vacation Bible School
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