1/23/2017 0 Comments January 23rd, 2017Thank Goodness It's Wednesday!It's been a while since we began our break before Thanksgiving, but Wednesday at the Port is finally coming back this week! Our Wednesday night gatherings are one of the highlights of the week for me. You cannot get much better than a home-cooked meal shared amongst friends who come together to learn grow in faith. I hope you will join us this Wednesday at 6 pm for Food, Faith, and Friends! Blessings on the journey, Jim Called: Against the GoadsOver the next few weeks, we will explore how God calls us to join the work of Jesus in the world as we learn more about the Apostle Paul's journey into ministry. Sunday's Sermon Snippet: Our Way or God's Way? Acts 9:1-9, 26:9-16 Paul - at the time called Saul - had overseen the execution of the deacon Stephen and begun a great persecution of the church going from home to home and synagogue to synagogue to round up the followers of Jesus. All the followers of Jesus except the apostles fled Jerusalem to the wilderness and surrounding villages. There, they continued to spread the good news about Jesus, as Philip did in sharing the gospel with an Ethiopian man and baptizing him. The church continued to grow, now outside Jerusalem. So Paul began to pursue the Christians in the foreign cities where they had taken refuge. On his way to Damascus, Paul saw a blinding light and heard a voice, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" In this unmistakable message from God, Paul finally realized what he had been told by Stephen and likely many others that he persecuted - that Jesus was indeed the Messiah sent by God. Paul, blinded by the light, was led to Damascus by his fellow travelers and there fasted for three days, likely considering the great sin of his ruthless persecution. As Luke tells the story in Acts 9, it can seem like Paul's conversion happened easily and fairly quickly after he began his persecution. If we consider Paul's own testimony from years later as reported by Luke in Acts 26, though, we realize that Paul had been engaged in his persecution for quite some time - finding ways to trap people in blasphemy, traveling from one city to the next to track down more and more followers of Jesus. Paul had been persecuting the church for quite some time and had arrested and sent many people to their deaths. What's more is that Paul reports a statement from Jesus following the question in their encounter on the road to Damascus - "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads." Goads were tools with sharpened tips used to prod stubborn oxen to continue pulling their load. If an ox was particularly stubborn and kicked against the goads when prodded, it could wind up hurting itself even worse than from the sharp poke of the goads. For Paul, this expression was used to help him see that, throughout his persecution of the church, he had been being driven to become who he was called to be - a great missionary for Jesus. Yet he kicked against the goads of God's directing him to a new life and continued on the path he had chosen for himself. Often when we face difficult decisions and wonder what to do, we wish for a blinding light kind of experience that Paul had on the road to Damascus. Yet God often speaks in subtler, quieter ways - the words of a trusted friend, a seeming coincidence, a unquenchable yearning deep inside. If we ignore them waiting for the bigger, unmistakable message, we only make things harder for ourselves as we kick against the goads. Answering God's call means following the small nudges God gives us each day. Financial Peace UniversityDo you want to pay off your debts, save more, give to make a difference, and plan for the future? Join us starting February 12th for a nine-week class on this and more. For more details on the topics, see the website for Financial Peace University. The class costs $100 and will be led by Pastor Jim and Courtney. We are working on offering childcare for elementary and younger children during the class. If you want to participate, please make out a check to the church with "FPU" in the memo and turn into Pastor Jim by this Sunday. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Jim. Game Night - This SundayJoin us this Sunday, January 29, at 7 pm for a game night! We will be playing a party game for all ages called Progressive Hearts. It is fun and easy for all ages - from toddlers to seniors. If you can roll six dice, you can play! Prizes will be awarded and snacks will be provided. Please let Pastor Jim know if you are interested in coming, so that we can plan ahead. Paint Night - Friday, March 17Want to paint a little something to inspire you and spruce up your kitchen? Want to hang out with friends for a few hours? Join us on March 17, 6-9 pm, for a paint night. An instructor will come teach us how to make this painting. The cost is $25, and all supplies are included. Bring a favorite snack to share, and drinks will be provided. To reserve your spot, please make out a check to the church with "Paint Night" in the memo and turn into Lee. Please see Lee with any questions. The painting includes the Scripture from Galatians 5:22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Living in CommunityThank you to Keith for fixing all the sinks in the church! Is God calling you to support families in our church as they improve their financial situations? Consider helping to provide childcare for a few children at church during one week of our Financial Peace class. Please contact Pastor Jim if you feel led to serve in this way. This Week at Port ChurchMonday, January 23 9:30 am - Bible Study Tuesday, January 24 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours 7:00 pm - Bible Study Wednesday, January 25 6:00 - Wednesday at the Port Menu: Baked Potatoes and Salad Thursday, January 26 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours 7:00 pm - Trustees Meeting Sunday, January 29 9:30 am - Worship: "Face to Face" Bring items for Super Bowl Food and Clothing Drive! 11:00 am - Sunday School 7:00 pm - Game Night Looking AheadFebruary 4-5 - Youth JUMP! Retreat
February 12 - Financial Peace Class Begins March 17 - Paint Night
1/16/2017 0 Comments January 16th, 2017A Moment of GraceAs the extreme cold retreated and the snow began to melt away with the warmer rain of last week, I sat in our living room attending to some of the tasks of the day. The sun was shining brightly in the window, becoming almost blinding. I stood up to adjust the blind and saw a wonderful sight - especially after the cold we had just endured. Birds - not huddling for shelter in the bushes but out in the open. In fact, a dozen or more small birds were gathered around the bird bath we have in the front yard. What had been a solid block of ice for a week or more had melted into a clear pool of water, and the birds were making the most of this winter's reprieve. Several splashed together bathing in the middle of the water while others sipped from the edge. More flitted back and forth between the bath and the nearby barren dogwood waiting for their own turn. They were making the most of a bright, warm day in the midst of the harsh, dreary cold of winter. Although winter would surely return, they were enjoying the grace of the moment. How often does God offer us a moment of grace in the midst of our lives from the burdens of busyness, brokenness, stress, sorrow, and worry that fill so many of our days? Do we take the time to celebrate God's grace even if it might make us look a little silly like tiny birds that have forgotten that winter is not yet over? May you find joy in the grace God gives you today, for God's mercies are new each day! Blessings on the journey, Jim Called: Our Way or God's WayOver the next few weeks, we will explore how God calls us to join the work of Jesus in the world as we learn more about the Apostle Paul's journey into ministry. Sunday's Sermon Snippet: Our Way or God's Way? Acts 7:51-8:3 How did Paul become the church's worst nightmare persecuting Jesus' followers instead of the great missionary he was called to be? How did Paul go from being a boy filled with potential for great things and sent to Jerusalem to study God's ways to a man being smuggled to a boat carrying him back to the refuge of home in Tarsus? The earliest story we have about Paul (originally known by his Hebrew name Saul) finds him as a young man, newly trained by the great rabbi Gamaliel and seeking to make his mark in the world as a zealous follower of God. Stephen, a deacon set apart by the church to serve the poor, had been arrested and tried for blasphemy. In defense, Stephen points out how generations of God's people have rejected the prophets and have now murdered the Anointed One that they foretold. Upset, the council of religious rulers take him out to be stoned, first by the witnesses to his supposed crime and then by the crowd. Paul oversees the execution as the witnesses lay their coats at his feet and approves of what they have done. From there, Paul leads a great persecution against the church, going house to house, and dragging Jesus' followers to prison one by one and family by family. All but the apostles flee from Jerusalem to the surrounding countryside. If Paul wanted so desperately to follow God, how did he get it so wrong and become a persecutor of those following God's way? It is important to remember that Paul's violent actions come not because he is inherently evil but because he is following the religious law he has been taught about blasphemy. Young ambition aside, he persecutes the church because he believes it is the righteous thing to do. Taking a step back from Paul's story, there was another man whose desire to do the righteous thing stood in the way of God's purposes for Jesus - Joseph. When Joseph found out his betrothed was pregnant with a child that was not his, he planned to do what he thought was right - to dismiss her. He wanted to do so quietly to avoid any embarrassment or harm for Mary, but still he was going to send her on her way as he was right to do. Yet when he is told in a dream to marry her and take the child as his own, he does this new thing - the truly righteous thing. He was able to hear a new word from God and follow it. Paul, on the other hand, heard a new word from Stephen, one he should have heeded, but continued upon the path he had already chosen. That is difficulty in discerning what God wants us to do. It is not something we figure out and then is settled for the rest of our lives. Discerning God's way means listening for a new word everyday - a new word that may carry us in a very different direction than we thought we were headed. Financial Peace Learning OpportunityPastor Jim is planning to offer a Financial Peace University class this spring. This nine-week class with resources from Dave Ramsey covers eliminating debt, increasing saving, budgeting, and giving to make a difference. The cost will be around $100. If you are interested or want more details, please let Pastor Jim know. CPR/AED & First Aid ClassesCPR & AED class, Monday, February 20, 6:00 - 8:15 p.m. First Aid class, Saturday, February 25, 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Both courses are 2-year certification with American Heart Association and are first come first serve. Space is limited, pre-registration is required with payment to secure your reservation. $8.00 for one class or $16 for both. Discounted rate is for church family only. If the courses have availability after February 2, they will be advertised to community. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to the course and wear comfortable attire for skills testing. Contact Dinah to pre-register Living in CommunityThank you to Linda, Donnie, Jason, and Lauren for serving communion in worship this Sunday! This Week at Port ChurchTuesday, January 17 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours Wednesday, January 18 7:00-8:00 pm - Youth Group Thursday, January 19 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours Sunday, January 22 9:30 am - Worship: "Against the Goads" 11:00 am - Sunday School Looking AheadMondays at 9:30 and Tuesdays at 7 pm starting January 23
Four-week Bible Study on Parables - See Dianna for more details! Wednesday, January 25 Wednesday at the Port resumes! Sunday, January 29 Game Night Join us for Progressive Hearts - an easy dice party game for all ages! Prizes and snacks! Let Pastor Jim know if you are interested in coming. February 4-5 Youth JUMP! Retreat 1/9/2017 0 Comments January 09th, 2017One WordOn Sunday, Dinah shared with us about a practice she picked up from a friend that has been fruitful for her over the past year. The idea is to choose one word to focus on in our lives of faith. While there are certainly many things we might consider improving in our relationship with God, this one word represents the thing we most hope that God will do in us. Is it learning to "trust" in God and others? Is it finding "joy" in everything? Is it looking for "hope" in the hardest of days? Is it finding the "focus" to become the person God wants us to be? This word becomes a theme for the year to help us grow deeper in our faith and closer to God. When we face whatever the new year may bring, we keep our word in our mind, heart, and soul to help us see our lives differently than we would otherwise and move past obstacles that might have stood in way in years past. Last night, Dinah led the youth group in a lesson to help them each discover their one word for the year. When I went to pick up our oldest, the youth put me on the spot, too. I had anticipated that they might and had given it some thought. The word that resonated the most for me was "path." While I shared with them that I have not yet settled on it, I am feeling a certain draw to this word. For me, it means seeking God's path for me (and for our church) when there are so many good possible paths out there. What word might you choose for your new year? What word might you choose for our congregation or community as a whole to work on together? I would love to hear from you on your thoughts. Blessings on the journey, Jim Called: Paul's Journey into MinistryOver the next few weeks, we will explore how God calls us to join the work of Jesus in the world as we learn more about the Apostle Paul's journey into ministry. Sunday's Sermon Snippet: Whom Does God Call? Acts 21:39, 22:3; Philippians 3:5-6; Galatians 1:14-16 What kind of person does God call to do the work of Jesus? Many of the examples we might lift up are folks who have become famous for their work - not folks like us. Sometimes, we figure we are not good enough, smart enough, faithful enough, ready enough to be the kind of folks that God would call to any work that matters, but to think this way misses the point of the folks that God has called. Most of them were ordinary folks before they were called. If we look at the Apostle Paul - a man who would become the greatest missionary and write almost half of the books of the New Testament - we find his story told in his own words reveal whom and how God calls. In a few passages, Paul talks about his background and early life. He was born in Tarsus - a free city that had become a center of Greek thought. He was likely educated in the schools there, giving him the ability to reach out to Gentiles using their own language and ways of thinking. He was citizen - not many people were - which accorded him special rights including the right to appeal any charges against him to the emperor, something he would do in the course of his ministry. He was a faithful follower of God according to the law and studied under Gamaliel, one of the greatest rabbis of his generation. All these different pieces came together to make Paul the ideal person to carry the gospel of Jesus into the world of the Gentiles. Paul recognizes this as he says that God set him apart before his birth and through grace called him to this work before he even knew Jesus. That is the way God works - creating pieces of our lives and putting them together in just the right way to equip us for the work God has intended for us. We are all called to a specific work and God has shaped our lives to prepare us for that work. What are the pieces of your life that prepare you to work for God? How is God putting them together to reveal the work you are called to do? Game Night: Progressives Hearts Dice GameJoin us on Sunday, January 29, at 7 pm for a game night! We will be playing a party game for all ages called Progressive Hearts. It is fun and easy for all ages - if you can roll six dice, you can play! Prizes will be awarded and snacks will be provided. Please let Pastor Jim know if you are interested in coming, so that we can plan ahead. Winter WeatherWith winter weather upon us and sure to bring us more snow before spring returns, we want to touch base with everyone regarding our closing policy. We will make every effort to hold worship if Pastor Jim can safely make it to church and we are able to clear the parking lot sufficiently. We will send out an email update to let you know if we have any concerns about the roads in and around the village or our parking lot. We ask that you use your best judgment to keep your family safe. If you do not feel safe coming, we will understand. If you are one of our volunteers for the week and do not feel that you can make it under the weather circumstances, please contact Pastor Jim to let him know. We will make sure things are covered. Check email, our Facebook page, or WHSV for updates. For Wednesday at the Port, we cancel if the Rockingham school system cancels or releases early due to weather concerns. Living in CommunityVolunteers are needed for Wednesday at the Port. Please see Sue Good if you are available to help one week! Deadline for Stories about Jesus extended due to winter weather this past Sunday. Thank you, Keith and Brad, for clearing our parking lot and sidewalks of snow and keeping us all safe Sunday morning! This Week at Port ChurchTuesday, January 10 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours 7:00 pm - Administrative Council Meeting Thursday, January 12 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours Sunday, January 15 9:30 am - Worship with Communion "Called: Our Way or God's Way" 11:00 am - Sunday School Looking AheadMondays at 9:30 and Tuesdays at 7 pm starting January 23
Four-week Bible Study on Parables - See Dianna for more details! Wednesday, January 25 Wednesday at the Port resumes! Sunday, January 29 Game Night Join us for Progressive Hearts - an easy dice party game for all ages! Prizes and snacks! Let Pastor Jim know if you are interested in coming. February 4-5 Youth Lock-in 1/4/2017 0 Comments January 04th, 2017New Year's ResolutionsIt is a new year, and with it comes resolutions to make our lives better. It is easy to grow cynical about new year's resolutions since we so often wind up breaking them within just a few days only to dust them off again in a year's time. Yet there is value in the process of evaluating our lives, seeing what we are not satisfied with, and attempting to do something about it. Resolutions reveal the dreams we have of who we can be. What dreams do you have for your spiritual life? What kind of faith do you want to have? Is there someone whose faith inspires you to grow in your own? These are important questions for us - not just at the new year but everyday. If we are going to grow in faith and become better disciples of Jesus, we are going to have to work at it, so we might as well have some idea of what we are working towards and how we are going to do that work. What goals do you have for your faith life? I hope you will ponder this question over these first few weeks of the new year. The answer may come quickly, or it may take some time thinking and praying. I would enjoy hearing how you want to grow this year and would be glad to advise and guide you along the way. In years past, Bishop Cho challenged us to spend more time in prayer each day. This year, Bishop Lewis is giving us a new challenge - to read the Bible through in the year so that we can all grow in our scholarship of the Bible. You can find more information and a reading plan here. I know many of you have achieved this goal in year's past. If so, consider reading from a different translation or a different kind of reading plan. Again, I would be glad to offer advice or resources if you have further questions. I hope you will find a way to make Bible reading a regular part of life this year! Blessings on the journey, Jim Called - Paul's Journey into MinistryWho does God call to do the work of Jesus Christ in the world? Can God really use people like me? How do I answer when God calls me to serve in a new way? Join us for worship over the next weeks as we delve into these questions and explore the Apostle Paul's journey to become the greatest missionary of all time. This week, we kick it all off by looking at who Paul was and how God prepared him to be the one to carry the message of Jesus Christ to the whole world. We will also celebrate how God has prepared us for ministry through a Reaffirmation of the Baptismal Covenant. We hope to see you there! Living in CommunityThank you to all of our leaders and volunteers for making 2016 a great year of ministry in the name of Jesus Christ here at Port Church! Thanks to Kim from New Hope UMC for his inspiring message this past Sunday! This Week at Port ChurchTuesday, January 3 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours Thursday, January 5 9:00 - 11:45 am - Office Hours Sunday, January 8 9:30 am - Worship with Reaffirmation of Faith "Called: Who Does God Call?" 11:00 am - Sunday School Looking AheadWednesday, January 25
Wednesday at the Port resumes! |
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