2/2/2016 0 Comments February 02nd, 2016Hope Springs Eternal![]() After the recent snow we have had, we could all be forgiven if we were rooting for the old groundhogs to predict an early spring. While we likely have a storm or two to face yet, it is a comfort at least to have the hope of warmer days filled with vibrant flowers and budding trees. Winter's dark and cold may linger a while but it will not last. Spring's eventual, inevitable return reminds us that seasons of darkness and hardship do not hold permanent sway in our lives. Just as spring cannot be held back, better days are on the horizon even when we walk through valleys of the deepest dark. As we hope that the groundhogs got this one right and that an early spring awaits us, may we give thanks for the hope we have of God's light in the midst of dark days! Blessings on the journey, Jim Forgotten Folks of Faith![]() This week we finish up our series on Forgotten Folks of Faith! Last Sunday's Sermon Snippet: The Broke (John 6:1-13) The story of how Jesus fed the five thousand from just two fish and five loaves of bread is one of the most familiar of his miracles and one of the few stories that is recorded in all four of the gospels. While they all tell the same story with most of the same details albeit from different perspectives, John tells of a small detail that Matthew, Mark, and Luke had either forgotten or neglected as unimportant. When Jesus asks the disciples what they can do to feed the crowd, they first balk at the expense it would incur to buy enough food and then note how little food they have with them - the two fish and five loaves. John takes the time to tell us that this small bit of food comes not from the disciples themselves but from a boy in the crowd. Why is he the only one who is offering food to feed crowd? Is he the only one who has anything with him, or is he the only one foolish enough to think that his small offering of food could amount to anything? Even the disciples mock the gift that he offers as being too small in the face of such a crowd of people. Yet Jesus uses that small offering as the seed of a great miracle - everyone eats their fill and there are twelve baskets of leftovers. The world tells us in so many ways that we cannot do enough and we do not have enough - that we simply are not enough - to make a bit of difference in the world. But what we have, God can use to do extraordinary things. May we be foolish enough to believe that the little bit we have to offer can become something great in Jesus' hands! Looking Ahead Sometimes it seems that so much of what we do goes unnoticed and unappreciated that we might wonder whether it's even worth doing. What does it even matter if we take care of the small things? Join us this Sunday as we remember "The Secretary"! Bible Blast: 99 Days of ScriptureHave you finished your Bible Blast 31 journey through the Bible and wonder what to read next? Are you looking for Scriptures to help you with the challenges you face in life? Bible Blast: 99 Days of Scripture provides a list of 99 short passages (anywhere from a few verses to a single chapter) to offer comfort, hope, and direction in life.Read one passage a day, and you will have read 99 passages of Scripture before summer – including at least one from every book of the Bible! Check out the reading list here. Super Bowl SundayBroncos or Panthers - help your team win the PRUMC Super Bowl! Bring in any of the items listed below for worthy causes in our community! Boxes marked with each team's logo are in the vestibule through this Sunday. Place your items in your team's box and stay tuned to find out who will win! The Panthers have started off with an early lead this past Sunday, but there is still time for the Broncos this week! South River Elementary Clothes Closet Underpants for SPED Kids – medium men and ladies Underpants for Girls & Boys – size 10-12 & 14 Sweat Pants & Leggings (Dark Colors) – all sizes are needed, but the kids are K-5 AVA Care Diapers – size 3 and 4 – (although all sizes are appreciated Newborn – Size 5) Food Pantry This time of year we see a lot more people, so they will take can fruit, can vegetables, cereal, soup, spaghetti & sauce, crackers, etc. Living in Community
This Week at Port ChurchWednesday, February 3 9:30 am - 2:00 pm - Office Hours 6:00 pm - Wednesday at the Port Thursday, February 4 9:30 am - 12:00 noon - Office Hours Sunday, February 7 Bring in items to help your team win the PRUMC Super Bowl! 9:30 am - Worship Service with Communion "Forgotten Folks of Faith: The Secretary" 11:00 am - Sunday School Looking Ahead
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