5/21/2018 May 21st, 2018Vacation TimeI will be taking time off this week. I appreciate your prayers for rest and renewal. In my absence, Isaac will be preaching next Sunday. I have had a chance to read over his message and know it will be a blessing to you as it was to me. If you are in town this next weekend, you will want to be at Port Church for worship on Sunday morning! Blessings on the journey, Jim Sunday's Sermon SnippetCharacter: The Roots of a Disciple Filled with the Spirit (Acts 2:1-21, 37-39; Song of Songs 8:6-7a) Love of God, joy, thankfulness, prayer, and love of neighbor - these are the marks of what makes a disciple of Jesus. There is still one more thing that is needed - something we discover in the account of how Jesus' disciples came into their own and became truly, fully disciples on Pentecost. It had been fifty days since Jesus' resurrection and ten long days since he ascended into heaven. The disciples were waiting in Jerusalem for the fulfillment of Jesus' promises to them - it had to be a hard wait. Suddenly a sound like rushing wind came and tongues of flame rested upon them. They began to talk in languages unknown to them. The crowd gathered for the festival from over the known world arrived to check out what was going on. They were stunned by what they saw. Simple fishermen and the like from Galilee speaking all kinds of languages so that they all heard and understood. Most were amazed, but some began to mock them as drunkards - a charge that makes little sense in explaining the miracle but gave an excuse to not take them seriously. Peter in response began to preach quoting from Joel about how God would pour out the Spirit upon all flesh and proclaiming the good news of Jesus. Thousands came to believe that day, and the world has never been the same since. That is what happens when we are filled with God's Spirit. Our lives are transformed, and everything we touch in the world changes forever. That is the power of the Spirit, because it is a gift of God's love for us. Just as life from the Creator and the redemption of Christ are gifts of love from our God, the Spirit which guides and strengthens us, gives us visions and dreams, and sets our hearts on fire is just such a gift of love. That love from God and our love for God and one another is greatest force we know. Solomon sang that it is as strong as death but Jesus proved it is even stronger than death. It is more powerful than a blazing fire and cannot be quenched by even a mighty river. When we are filled by God's Spirit, love burns deep within us, and our lives, the lives of those around us, and the whole world even are never the same. Being filled by the Spirit is our last mark of a disciple. For it is not enough to merely talk about loving God and one another or to wish we were more joyful, grateful, and prayerful. We have to let love take over our lives. We need to let the Spirit fill us to overflowing with a love that will make fools of us. We become truly, deeply disciples when the fire God's love consumes our lives and we are filled with the Spirit! Living in CommunityCongratulations to Chandler, Becca, and Emilie on their recent and upcoming graduations! Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Doris Alexander. Thanks to Celest for providing a wonderful lunch for our VBS volunteers and to Dinah for leading our VBS training! Looking AheadKid's Fishing Trip - June 2, 8 am
Praise in the Park/Graduate Recognition - June 3, 10 am VBS Float in Parade - June 22 Vacation Bible School - June 25-29 Comments are closed.
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